Iranian Foreign Minister Receives the Credentials of Sudanese Ambassador

Tehran – Sudanhorizon – Agencies
The nominated Sudanese Ambassador to Iran, Abdul Aziz Hassan Saleh, presented today, on Tuesday, a copy of his credentials to the Iranian Foreign Minister-designate Ali Bagheri as Sudan’s Ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The Minister welcomed the Ambassador and stressed the importance of the two countries’ efforts to strengthen relations between them and recoup what they missed.
For his part, the Ambassador conveyed to Minister Bagheri the greetings of his Sudanese counterpart, Ambassador Hussein Awad, and Ambassador Saleh pledged to make every possible effort to promote and develop bilateral relations between Khartoum and Tehran.
Ambassador Saleh was chosen as the first ambassador to Tehran after a break that lasted for about eight years, while the Iranian Ambassador to Sudan began his activities last July.