Minister of Transport to Sudanhorizon: As The War Approaches its End, Partnership With Egypt in Reconstruction is Underway

Cairo – Sudanhorizon – Sabah Musa
The Sudanese Minister of Transport, Abu Bakr Abu Al-Qasim Abdullah, explained that the first Egyptian-Sudanese Businessmen Forum, scheduled to be held next Saturday in Cairo, is important because it involves businessmen from Egypt and Sudan.
Abdullah, who will participate in the forum, said in an exclusive statement to the Sudanhorizon news website, “We seek to have a partnership between businessmen in the two countries in rebuilding Sudan, and we see that this participation is important,” adding that it is a huge program that requires expertise in all sectors. We are counting on the private sector, which will have the largest role in rebuilding the country, noting that this program is the starting point. He said that efforts must be combined and a roadmap must be put in place for cooperation, solidarity, and entering into commercial partnerships between business people in the two countries, noting that this partnership has a special status and that efforts must be combined between the business sector and investors in an effective manner.
The Sudanese Minister of Transport explained the importance of choosing Egypt to participate in the reconstruction of Sudan, saying that the Egyptians have a long history in those expertise that we need, in addition to Egypt standing by Sudan in the war and hosting millions of Sudanese on its lands, and that it provided the Sudanese with all the means of education, health, residence and others, and opened its doors to us in this difficult circumstance, adding that the Sudanese-Egyptian relations are extensive and that the borders between us are open, expressing his belief that the war is about to end, and that the Rapid Support Militia is left with nothing but thieves and looters, and it no longer has the ability to confront the armed forces, and he said that we are now preparing the special program for post-war reconstruction at the state level, and we are preparing and preparing visions at the state level and investors to stand on the requirements of the post-war phase of building the state.
The minister explained that there are large Egyptian companies working in the field of roads in Sudan and that these projects have stopped due to the war. He said that they are working to continue these projects, stating that there are 3 important roads that are being built by large Egyptian companies, including the road from Tokar in the Red Sea State to Jarura on the Sudanese-Eritrean border, with a length of 180 kilometres. There is also a road from Qadarif to the south, with a length of 146 kilometres, and a third road within the Red Sea State. He added that these roads were well-worked before the war, and we plan to complete these large projects in the post-war reconstruction program.