Bashayer Energy and PetroTrans Companies Merged into Nile Petroleum Limited

Port Sudan – Sudanhorizon

The Minister of Energy and Oil, Dr. Mohi El-Din Naeem Mohamed Saeed, has stated that “A merger of the Bashayer Energy Limited and Petrotrans Transport Companies into Nile Petroleum Limited has taken place.”

The minister explained that this step came for several reasons, including keeping pace with the openings achieved by the armed forces in reclaiming Al-Jazira State and most of Khartoum State, in addition to the progress in Kordofan and Darfur and the readiness to increase the rate of consumption of petroleum materials, as Khartoum and the Al-Jazeera States constitute about 70% of the country’s total consumption of petroleum materials.

In addition to the integration of roles between the three companies instead of competition and enabling Petrotrans Transport Company to play its role in transporting petroleum materials to areas that the private sector cannot reach, praising the role of the private sector in meeting the country’s need for fuels throughout the war period.

The minister stressed that the ministry’s policy is working to help the private sector and not limit its activity, especially in light of the liberalization of petroleum prices.

Thus, Nile Petroleum Limited became the party responsible for the obligations that existed between Bashayer Energy Limited and its customers, and Petrotrans Transport Company. Nile Petroleum Limited is committed to fulfilling all rights and duties towards all concerned parties.

It is worth noting that Nile Petroleum Limited and Bashayer Energy Limited companies operate in importing and distributing petroleum products and own a number of petroleum service stations, while PetroTrans works on transporting petroleum materials and owns a fleet of petroleum tankers. The Ministry of Energy and Oil owns Nile and Petrotrans companies 100%.


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