Sudan’s Foreign Ministry Responds to South Sudan’s Statement, Describing It as Incitement

Port Sudan – Sudanhorizon

The Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has described the statement issued on Tuesday by its South Sudanese counterpart regarding the involvement of South Sudanese mercenaries in fighting alongside the terrorist Janjaweed militia as contradictory. It considered the contents of the statement to be incitement against Sudanese citizens who sought refuge in Juba due to the war.

The Foreign Ministry noted that the statement was issued at a time when the Sudanese government is striving to mend the rift between the government in Juba and its opponents, which it found surprising.

In a statement issued on Wednesday, the Sudanese Foreign Ministry stated that it had observed “its South Sudanese counterpart acknowledging for the first time the participation of these mercenaries, after previously denying any knowledge of their involvement through its official spokesperson. While arguing that the proportion of these mercenaries does not reach 65% and that the government has no control over them.”

The statement went on to say: “The Ministry did not condemn the crimes of these mercenaries or indicate any efforts made to prevent their arrival in Sudan, nor did it warn its citizens against responding to the militia’s enticements to fight as mercenaries in Sudan, which is prohibited by all laws and the duties of good neighbourly relations.” The Foreign Ministry added, “In light of reports from UN Security Council experts, specialized organizations, and international investigative media, which have documented details of the support reaching the militia through South Sudan, there is no value in the South Sudanese Foreign Ministry’s attempt to downplay the impact of South Sudanese mercenaries’ involvement with the Janjaweed militia.”

The Sudanese Foreign Ministry accused its South Sudanese counterpart’s statement of “resorting to exaggeration and sensationalism when referring to horrific massacres allegedly committed against South Sudanese citizens in Wad Madani. This can only be understood as incitement to continue violence against Sudanese citizens in South Sudan after more than 16 innocent Sudanese were killed in various parts of South Sudan and their properties looted and burned due to such false claims.” It pointed out that “the statement remained silent about these heinous crimes committed against innocent people who sought refuge in South Sudan due to the war waged against them by the militia with the help of South Sudanese mercenaries. The statement also ignored the fact that more than two million South Sudanese citizens remained in Sudan even after its secession from Sudan over 14 years ago and continue to receive the best treatment. Isolated incidents against some individuals following the liberation of Wad Madani are subject to high-level judicial investigation, while no similar action has been taken regarding crimes against Sudanese in South Sudan.”

The Sudanese Foreign Ministry expressed regret “that such a contradictory statement was issued at a time when Sudan is making efforts to help achieve peace in South Sudan, despite the circumstances it is going through. This was embodied in the peace agreement signed in Port Sudan between the South Sudanese government and the opposition Sudan People’s Liberation Movement, Kitgwang faction, under the auspices of the Director General of the General Intelligence Service.”

The statement concluded by affirming the Sudanese government’s unwavering belief that “the security and peace of the two brotherly countries are inseparable, and this is what the leaderships of both countries are working to support and strengthen.”

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