Political and Community Leaders from Eastern Sudan Support the Armed Forces and Outline Their Vision for the Next Phase


Port Sudan – Sudanhorizon – Talal Ismail
At the Beja Graduates Hall in Port Sudan, the capital of the Red Sea State in eastern Sudan, political, community, and youth leaders presented their vision for the next phase regarding Eastern Sudan’s issues and aspirations for the future. These political and community entities in eastern Sudan unanimously agreed to support the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) in their battle against the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) militia.
The second political symposium of the Electronic Journalism Association, held as Eastern Sudan’s Ramadan Nights, was titled “Sudan Between Opportunities and Challenges Through the Eyes of the People of the East.” It featured discussions on visions for the upcoming phase.
Dr. Issa Awni, President of the Beja Graduates Association, began by commending the Electronic Journalism Association for organising political, cultural, and social activities. He explained the role played by the Beja Graduates in hosting displaced persons across three shelter centres and providing services and emphasised, “This is our duty—to offer everything precious in the battle for dignity.”

A New Social Contract
In his speech, Musa Abdullah, Secretary-General of the Beja Graduates, praised the sacrifices of the Armed Forces in defending Sudan. He affirmed that the rallying of the Eastern Sudan people around their armed forces began in eastern Sudan after the war broke out in mid-April 2023.
“e stated, “The Armed Forces must prevail to build peace and strengthen the social fabric. After the war ends, a new social contract must be e “established.” He addressed the necessity of building state institutions, crafting a permanent constitution, separating powers, enacting an election law, and establishing constitutional and electoral commissions.” He added, “Community reconciliations must take place, and Sudanese society must move past what has happened by forging a new social contract. Those who committed crimes must be held accountable through the judiciary. All of this must be preceded by political work in the “next phase.”

Calls for Political Parties to Distance Themselves from the Armed Forces
Abdullah emphasised their vision for regional self-governance, political and financial federalism implementation, and the election of governors and legislative councils. He “asserted, “Sudan will emerge as a powerful force after the war, and we will be stronger” than ever.”
For his part, Bilal Al-Aid, a leader in the Advisory Council for Eastern Suda”, stated, “We reaffirm our steadfast position in supporting the Armed Forces as they wage the battle for dignity. Sudan is facing an unprecedented war targeting the state and its people. We demand swift action to defeat all plots aimed at Eastern Sudan.”
He confirmed that the parallel government initiative is a desperate move that will not gain acceptance internally or externally.
He “continued, “In eastern Sudan, we declare our openness to dialogue and national building at all levels. Eastern Sudan is a model for all of Sudan. If everyone stands united with justice in the distribution of power and wealth, the reality will be more cohesive.”” He added, “We salute the Armed Forces for their victories and thank them for this great work. We urge the government to act swiftly. Rebellion cannot be defeated on the battlefield while it is still ongoing. It is unacceptable for any union in Sudan to support calls for a parallel government from Nairobi. We demand the Council of Ministers to take action against such unions. Decisions must be made quickly.”

Reaffirmed Support for the Armed Forces
Abdullah Obaid Shar, Secretary of the Supreme Council of Beja Nazirates, reiterated full support for the Armed Forces in their battle for dignity, emphasising that they play a significant role in quelling the rebellion and restoring the state.
He called on active Sudanese citizens to participate in shaping a vision for building the future of Sudan.”
He said, “We must be courageous and responsible, working diligently to craft a vision that transcends past experiences. Sudan after April 15 will follow a new vision, and we must agree on a clear draft for governing Sudan.” He added, “Politicians must realise that if past experiences had any merit, the fighting would not have reached “Khartoum.”
He affirmed that the Armed Forces are undertaking tremendous efforts to deter the rebellion.
He continued, “The political parties supporting the Armed Forces have a responsibility to develop a vision and plan for the next phase, involving everyone without exclusion. We do not want armed movements fighting to seize rights; we want regional parties, and we have prepared a vision for “discussion.”

Shortlink: https://sudanhorizon.com/?p=4566

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