Foreign Ministry Condemns RSF Massacre at Saudi Hospital in El Fasher

Port Sudan – Sudanhorizon
The Sudanese Foreign Ministry condemned the massacre committed by the rebel Rapid Support Militia in El Fasher today, on Saturday, and considered it a war crime and a crime against humanity.
A statement issued by the office of the official spokesman for the ministry said that “in response to the crushing military defeats suffered by the Janjaweed militia in Al-Jili, Khartoum Bahri and El Fasher at the hands of the armed forces and the joint and supporting forces, the terrorist militia committed a new massacre today, this time targeting patients at the Saudi Hospital in El Fasher.”
The statement added that “more than 70 civilians who were receiving treatment, most of them women and children, were victims of the massacre when the militia attacked the hospital’s accident department with marches.”
The statement considered that “this heinous crime is a new embodiment of the genocidal strategy implemented by the militia against the Sudanese people.” Adding that “the terrorist militia’s persistence in committing war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, without fear of punishment, is one of the results of international inaction towards the militia and its sponsors, and the Security Council’s inability to follow up on the implementation of its resolution 2736 (2024) and oblige the militia to implement the Jeddah Declaration of May 2023.” The statement noted that “the terrorist militia has come to rely mainly on the weapon of strategic drones to commit war crimes and massacres, as demonstrated in its repeated attacks on power and water stations, hospitals and markets. The entire international community knows who supplies the militia with these drones and other advanced lethal weapons and transports them to it by air, sea and land. It is time for the institutions of legitimacy and international justice to hold the militia’s sponsors accountable, considering them a full partner of the militia in its terrorism and crimes.”