135 Attacks: Joint Force Announces Its Repelling of a New Attack on El Fasher

El Fasher – Sudanhorizon
The Joint Force of the Armed Movements announced its repelling of an attack launched by the Rapid Support Militia (Thursday) on El Fasher, the capital of the Darfur region in western Sudan.
The Sudanhorizon news website published a statement saying: “Your armed forces and the Joint Force of the Armed Struggle Movements are leading a fierce battle in which they repel the attack attempts launched by the Rapid Support Militia to advance inside the city walls, and they are supported by the masses of the people of El Fasher, the mobilised, the popular resistance, and the honourable Kandakas of Mayarm El Fasher.”
The statement continued: “We give you good news that your forces are advancing steadfastly and highly determined. We ask for your prayers so that we can achieve complete victory. We will provide you with the details after the battle ends.”
Since last May, the Rapid Support Militia has tried 135 times to take control of the city of El Fasher, but its attempt failed, and it lost its most important field leaders, most notably Ali Yaqoub and Abdel Rahman Qarn Shatta.
Yesterday (Wednesday), the UN Security Council held an open session devoted to the situation in Sudan in general and in Darfur in particular. The council listened to two briefings from the Assistant Secretary-General for African Affairs and the Acting Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, but the session did not produce anything.
The UN Security Council issued a resolution last June calling on the Rapid Support Militia to stop the siege and shelling of the city of El Fasher.