What Revenges for General Jalha!!!

Mahjoub Fadl Badri
What wise people fear most is that the mentality of (retribution and revenge) would prevail for every soul that the war of the Al-Daglo militia has taken, as claimed in the statement of the Misseriya P Group, following the liquidation of (Jalha Rahmatullah Mahdi), who is described by his supporters // the general// while others see him as a mere //private//, but both are agreed that he was a brave and daring man, which is different from being reckless (the distinction between recklessness and daring).
The Misseriya People Grouping declared that: We mourn with hearts full of anger the hero and martyr General Jalha Rahmatullah Mahdi and we declare it overtly, frankly and clearly “revenge is inevitably coming” and we will not calm down or rest until we take our right from all those who have participated, planned or helped in this heinous crime. We will be like a torrential flood that nothing could stand on its way and we will not leave the killers of the martyr Jalha a place to take refuge in until we destroy it. We, the people of Al-Messeriya, swear by God Almighty that we will be the sword of justice that will cut off the heads of traitors and treacherous people. We will raise the banner of the martyr Jalha high and we will complete his journey. And to the soul of the hero Jalha Mahdi, we say: “We will not forget, we will not forgive, and we will not forget the blood of the martyrs”.
Can you just imagine the “scope of revenge” required from the Al-Daglo militia to pay for what its hands have committed in (the health sector only). The Federal Minister of Health said while counting the losses incurred (in figures) in the health sector, that there are:
– 1500 deaths, of which only 10% reported to hospitals.
– 4000 deaths among kidney patients because of lack of service and care in areas controlled by the militia.
– 780 deaths among pregnant women due to the loss of safe delivery services.
– $11 billion dollar loss sustained by the health sector because of the war.
– $500 million is the value of the looted drug stock by the militia.
If liquidating Jalha requires all this anger and revenge, how much more does it require for the thousands of innocent lives who were killed by the militia or died as a result of its thugs’ control of hospitals. And Jalha was one of the leaders of that militia!!
Oh God, no gloating, death is the fate of every living being, and Jalha is nothing but a (militia) who fought an immoral war, and drank from the same cup of revenge, and he will be resurrected according to his intention on the Day of Judgment, a day when nothing is hidden from Allah the almighty about us, and before his (tribesmen) resort to tribalism , a trait of ignorance, to ignite the fire of revenge, and avenge his killing, which will lead (automatically) to a war between (the Misseriya and the Mahriya) whose flames may reach the annihilation of the people within the two tribes, which no sane person wants, no matter what his position regarding the war.
History reminds us of the killing of Imam Hussein, which occurred on the tenth of Muharram in the year 61 AH, corresponding to October 10, 680 AD. The memory of that day remains a source of sadness to date. What did the Shiites reap from seeking revenge for his killing other than the hideous and bloody scenes that we see as they beat their backs and faces with iron chains until blood flows, in the most horrific scene that the eye can see, while they chant, “Oh Hussein, Oh revenge for Hussein!!”
Oh God, guide our people, for they do not know.
-Victory for our valiant army.
-Pride and strength to our fighting people.
-Shame and disgrace on our enemies and on the agents