Sudanese Official: We Have Not Withdrawn from Discussions and Will Not Sit at the Same Table with the Rebels

Cairo – Sudanhorizon – Sabah Mousa
Source: Almohagig
A responsible Sudanese source close to the humanitarian discussions in Geneva between the government delegation and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) militia stated that the government delegation had not received the agenda or topics of discussion as of yesterday (Friday), denying any intention by the government delegation to withdraw from these talks.
In an exclusive statement to “Almohagig” news site, the source mentioned that there was supposed to be an initial meeting today (Saturday) between the government delegation and the United Nations Secretary-General’s representative, Ramdane Lamamra, to discuss how to conduct the discussions and the agenda, and to continue the dialogue on the Jeddah Framework Agreement signed by both parties over a year ago, which has become binding.
The Sudanese source revealed that the government delegation refused to go to the United Nations Conference Centre in the Swiss capital to avoid making these discussions official and to avoid any formal recognition of the militia.
The source pointed out that what is happening in Geneva is merely discussions, not negotiations, as rumoured. He added that they agreed with the UN Secretary-General’s representative, Mr. Lamamra, to discuss how to implement what was agreed upon in the Jeddah Forum and bring it to reality. This was supposed to happen anywhere other than the United Nations Conference Centre.
He confirmed that there is no need for any new forum. Their attendance was initially out of respect for the efforts of the UN Secretary-General’s representative and to ensure the success of his mission.