River Nile State Extends State of Emergency and Confirms That Militia Actions Only Increase Our Cohesion

Atbara – Sudanhorizon

River Nile State announced the extension of the state of emergency throughout the state for a month starting from December 1, in accordance with Emergency Law No. 24 of 2024 AD, and the decision called on the concerned authorities to implement it.

In a related context, the Security Committee of River Nile State said in a statement obtained by the Sudanhorizon news website that the rebel militia and its supporters targeted Atbara Airport this morning on Sunday with a number of suicide drones.

The statement confirmed that the ground anti-aircraft and electronic jamming platforms successfully confronted them without losing life or equipment.

The State Security Committee announced to all citizens of River Nile, through a statement, that the armed forces, police, intelligence service, mobilized personnel, and joint forces are fully prepared to respond to any hostile threat by land, sea, or air.

The statement continued, “We are all moving forward with strength and determination to defeat the brutal rebellion. “The Security Committee’s statement called on all citizens not to pay attention to malicious rumours and stressed that actions and behaviours that target the infrastructure and the security and safety of the Nile River will only make us stronger and more resilient.

Shortlink: https://sudanhorizon.com/?p=2929

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