Khartoum Governor Goes the Extra Mile

Omdurman – Sudanhorizon

The Governor of Khartoum, Ahmed Osman Hamza, visited on Tuesday, the son of the late poet and playwright Hashim Siddiq, Haitham, who is receiving treatment in Al-Naw Hospital after being injured by a shell fragment following the rebel militia’s siege of residential neighbourhoods in Banat.

It was decided to admit him for urgent surgery, where the governor offered his condolences to the members of Hashim’s family accompanying his son and said that the deceased had been steadfast throughout his stay in his home in Banat, which was besieged by the militia and deprived citizens of food and medicine.

The governor directed the administration of Al-Naw Hospital to provide medical care to the son of the late Hashim Siddiq. He hoped that the operation would be crowned with success.


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