Joint Forces Spokesperson Highlights RSF’s Defeat

Cairo – Sudanhorizon – Sabah Musa
Major Ahmed Hussein, the official spokesman for the joint forces in Darfur, explained that their forces have developed a well-thought-out plan for the deployment and opening up in the region.
Hussein said in a special statement to the Sudanhorizon news website that the beginning would be from North Darfur at the level of the city of El-Fasher and that the militia suffered a crushing defeat yesterday, on Tuesday, indicating that it is the 140th defeat sustained by the Rapid Support Militia since the start of the battles, adding that the militia suffered heavy losses in lives and equipment.
He continued that on the level of the northern axis or the desert axis, it suffered the same defeat in lives and equipment, as well as in the Al-Siyah area, which is located north of Kutum locality, stating “Today our forces attacked the militia in the Bir Mazza and Ghrir areas and expelled them from these areas”.
The spokesman for the joint force explained that at the level of the western axis in West Darfur in the Jebel Um area, the Moon Mountains, and the Kalbus locality, the militia suffered heavy losses and most of their leadership was eliminated. He said that El Fasher will be a starting point to go to the rest of the cities of the Darfur region, whether in Nyala, Zalingei, El Geneina, or others, and we will continue the process of deployment and openness until the criminal militias are expelled from all of Darfur, whether in the cities or the localities.
Regarding Suleiman Sandal, who defected from the Justice and Equality Movement, he described the battles that took place in Sayah, Mado, and Malha in North Darfur as “battles of sadness” and that everyone was a loser and that the winner was the Port Sudan group, the remnants, and the National Congress, Hussein said that the so-called Sandal is a supporter and ally of the Rapid Support Militia, accusing him of accepting the price of his previous struggles with monetary gains, stressing that the winner of the battles that started in North Darfur is Sudan and the Sudanese citizen and that the loser is the one who wanted to hijack the Sudanese state to tear it apart and build a fake state in Darfur.