Joint Force Spokesman: The Situation is Stable in El Fasher

Al Fasher – Sudanhorizon

The Joint Force of Armed Movements announced its control over the situation in El Fasher, the capital of the Darfur region, after repelling the last attack by the Rapid Support Militia.

The official spokesman for the Joint Force, Major Ahmed Hussein Mustafa, told the Sudanhorizon website: “The situation in Al Fasher on the ground is relatively calm and stable, but there is shelling from outside the city by the militias on residential neighborhoods.”

He continued: “Militia elements are present outside the city in the eastern direction and sometimes try to infiltrate into the city’s eastern outskirts.”

Since last May, the Rapid Support Militia has tried 134 times to take control of the city, but its attempts failed, and military operations led to the killing of the most prominent field leaders of the militia.

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