HAC: Arrangements are Nearly to Open the Adré Crossing

Sudanhorizon: Special
A well-informed source within the Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) confirmed that HAC is processing relevant arrangements for opening the Adré border crossing with Chad. The source indicated that the arrangements are being made with the security services, relevant parties and organizations engaged in bringing in humanitarian supplies for refugees and displaced persons in areas affected by the war, especially Darfur states, and that this coordination work has come a long way.
The HAC source pointed out that the crossing passage is located in areas controlled by the Rapid Support Forces rebels, which necessitates tight coordination to ensure that no materials other than humanitarian supplies will enter. He said that a large number of foreign and local organizations have been working since the outbreak of the war in the field of humanitarian aid and supporting those affected, all in coordination with the Sudanese government, in addition to the appreciated support from friendly and neighboring countries to Sudan to support those affected, especially the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the State of Qatar.
The Transitional Sovereignty Council, headed by General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, decided to direct the HAC to coordinate with the Qatari Humanitarian Aid Coordinator, to open the Adré border crossing for a period of (3) months, according to the known and agreed-upon rules, in order to ensure the arrival of humanitarian aid to affected citizens.