Government Agencies and Institutions not to Receive Cash Payments

Port Sudan – Sudanhorizon
Minister of Finance and Economic Planning Dr Jibril Ibrahim announced that the government had directed all government agencies and public institutions to refrain from accepting cash payments from individuals or entities. Instead, they are to adhere strictly to electronic and bank payment methods approved by the Central Bank of Sudan. This measure aims to facilitate transactions and mitigate the risks associated with direct cash handling.
During his visit on Monday to the Central Bank of Sudan’s Port Sudan branch, where he met with Central Bank Governor Burai Sidiq Ali, the minister stated that the currency exchange process is nearing its objectives. He emphasized the need for banks to attract the public and encourage them to open accounts to deposit their cash holdings. He expressed hope that the remaining week of the currency exchange process would allow citizens to complete account opening procedures and deposit their funds.
Central Bank Governor Burai Sidiq Ali affirmed the bank’s readiness and arrangements to complete the currency exchange process within the stipulated timeframe.