FM: Dozens of Diplomats, including Five Woman, Promoted to Ambassador Rank

Sudanhorizon – Mariam Abashar
Detailed information obtained by the Sudanhorizon news website from sources within the Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Diplomatic Status Regularization Committee, have revealed that an evaluation conducted among diplomats at the rank of minister plenipotentiary resulted in the promotion of 47 of them to the rank of ambassador, including 5 female diplomats.
According to the source, among those promoted to the rank of ambassador are Minister Plenipotentiary Issam Al-Khidir, Deputy Head of Mission in Washington, and Minister Plenipotentiary Omar Al-Farouk Sayed Kamel, Deputy Head of Mission in Cairo. The promotions also included Minister Plenipotentiary Idris Mohamed Ali, Al-Bahi Mohamed Ibrahim, and Mohamed Osman Okasha.
The promotions also included Minister Plenipotentiary Iqbal Ishaq, Umaima Al-Sharif, Maimouna Ahmed Khalid, Aida Sayed Ahmed, and Awadiya Al-Manzul. The source has confirmed that the committee will release the remaining results of promotions in the lower diplomatic ranks after Eid Al-Fitr. The Evaluation Committee issued a promotion list for 64 ambassadors of various ranks over the past few months.
The Sudanhorizon news website notes that a number of ministers plenipotentiary had remained in the same diplomatic rank for as many years, in most cases for more than ten years, without being promoted to the rank of ambassador.
It’s worth noting that the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr Ali Yousef, had previously confirmed to Sudanhorizon that he has given priority to this question, within the context of putting his house in order and had formed committees immediately upon assuming office to evaluate the performance of diplomats and conduct promotions impartially, and fairly.