Al-Burhan Approves the Dismissal and Appointment of Four Ministers

Port Sudan – Sudanhorizon – Suna

The Chairman of the Transitional Sovereign Council, L. General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, issued four decrees approving the decisions of the Transitional Council of Ministers, which involve the dismissal of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Culture and Information, Trade, and Religious Affairs.

According to the first decree, Ambassador Hussein Awad Ali Mohamed was relieved of his duties as Minister of Foreign Affairs. Ambassador Ali Youssef Ahmed Al-Sharif was appointed the new Minister of Foreign Affairs. In the second decree, Dr. Graham Abdelkader was dismissed from his role as Minister of Culture and Information, with Khalid Ali Al-Ayesar appointed to the position.

The third decree confirmed the appointment of Omar Ahmed Mohamed Ali Banfeer as Minister of Trade and Supply, and the fourth decree dismissed Osama Hassan Mohamed Ahmed from his duties as Minister of Religious Affairs and Endowments, with Omar Bakhit Mohamed Adam appointed in his place.

The decrees issued by the Chairman of the Transitional Sovereign Council directed the Ministry of Cabinet Affairs and relevant authorities to implement these decisions.


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