ADB Allocates $176.8 Million in Support of Sudanese Food Security Projects

Port Sudan – Sudanhorizon
The African Development Bank (ADB) has approved the allocation of a grant of some $100 million from the resources of the African Development Fund of the Bank Group, to fund the second phase of wheat production project in Sudan, aimed at providing food security crops in the country.
The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Mohamed Bashar Mohamed, has pointed out in press statements that the bank’s approval of the said grant was within the context of the sixteenth replenishment of the African Development Fund (ADF-16) to support 37 low-income African countries.
He said that it was agreed to use the amounts allocated to Sudan to finance the second phase of the wheat production project with the aim of providing integrated food security.
It was also agreed that the project is to be implemented through the World Food Program (WFP) as a third party in 2025. The Undersecretary explained that the World Food Program is already implementing the emergency wheat production project in Sudan, which was previously signed in 2022 with funding from the African Development Bank with a grant of about $76.8 million for two years which continues until the end of current fiscal, 2024.