A Turkish Aid Ship Docks in Port Sudan

Port Sudan – Sudanhorizon

The Sudanese government authorities received the second batch of Turkish aid for those affected by floods and rains and those affected by the war in Port Sudan, on Monday.

The Minister of Culture and Information, Graham Abdel Qader, expressed Sudan’s appreciation for the Turkish government and its support for the Sudanese people during the current war and the complications of the recent floods and rains.

For his part, the Turkish Ambassador to Sudan, Fatih Yildiz, said that the Turkish ship contains 18,000 tents, blankets, and quantities of shelter and public health materials, stressing Türkiye’s continued provision of aid to those affected by war, floods and torrents in Sudan.

He added, “With this work, Türkiye is returning the favor to Sudan,” expressing his country’s gratitude for the Sudanese people’s support for Türkiye during the earthquake disaster that struck Türkiye in February 2023.

Shortlink: https://sudanhorizon.com/?p=1709

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