Warnings of Decline in Vegetation and Tree Cover in Central Kordofan

Sudanhorizon – Almohagig – Nazik Shamam
Sudanese Gum Arabic Board of Directors Member, Ambassador Hassan Jad Karim, warned of the decline in tree and plant cover in Central Kordofan due to the unregulated cutting by displaced people and farmers.
He emphasized the negative repercussions of the war and the ongoing conflicts that targeted tree cover in the region.
Jad Karim expressed in a press statement his regret for targeting the gum arabic, arid, tambreeb and heglig tree belts. As a result of the unregulated cutting by displaced persons and farmers, as well as those afflicted by the fighting in the belt and the southern border strip of West Kordofan State.
He revealed that the local community in Central Kordofan faced the pressures of poverty and famine without any external support or relief throughout the war.
He pointed out that there are efforts to raise public awareness and warn of the dangers of cutting down trees and removing vegetation, self-reliance, and avoiding tribal hostilities and rivalries.
Shortlink: https://sudanhorizon.com/?p=413