Unionist Party Calls for Consensus on Managing the Transitional Period Following the Army’s Victory

Cairo – Sudanhorizon
The Unionist Party (Original), led by Mawlana Mohamed Osman Al-Mirghani, has called for an agreement on managing the upcoming transitional period after the anticipated victory of the Sudanese army over the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) militia in the war that began in mid-April of last year.
In a written press statement received by Sudanhorizon, the party’s deputy leader, Professor Al-Bukhari Al-Jaali, stated, “The next transitional phase, following the imminent victory, involves the necessity of reaching essential political understandings to address the issue of repeated military coups. There is no room for the political manipulations that have previously devastated Sudan.”
He added, “What we must focus on, with clean hands and brilliant minds, is reaching a consensus on how to steer the transitional period towards safety. This is a top priority, followed by agreeing on defining and drafting the basic features of a stable constitution for the country. Adopting and endorsing a constitution requires legitimacy and a mandate, both of which can only be established by a constituent assembly elected by the Sudanese people.”
Al-Jaali pointed out that the ongoing war “has imposed renewed immediate responsibilities on the National Movement Party and further obligations. Chief among these responsibilities is continuing and enhancing the party’s pioneering initiative to support and back the armed forces in liberating the country from blatant foreign aggression and cleansing its territories of the malign rebellion with God’s help. This involves rallying party supporters for greater cooperation and contribution, collaborating with all national political forces to strengthen the internal front, which serves as the essential backbone of the armed forces, and rejecting tribalism and regionalism, setting aside ideological disputes.”
He continued, “The immediate priority now is to rush and compete to preserve the integrity of the Sudanese state. These are the current requirements through which the nation is passing and which will test the patriotism of political forces.”
Al-Jaali confirmed that the Unionist Party has resolved to restructure its organization from the grassroots to the leadership based on competence and capability. Leadership must be defined by contribution and dedication. He emphasized that the party is now historically responsible for establishing Sudan’s fourth democracy through general elections. Meeting this responsibility entails embedding institutional objectives within its structure, promoting consultative values at every level, embracing moderation in its approach, and upholding the principles that united the Unionist factions in 1952, reaffirmed by the party’s reference conference resolutions in Cairo in 2005, as the unified party representing all Unionists and recognizing Sudan’s unique relationship with the Arab Republic of Egypt.
He described this relationship as a fundamental pillar in shaping and strengthening the Unionist Party’s democratic orientation toward integration between the two countries for the benefit of the people of the Nile Valley.
Shortlink: https://sudanhorizon.com/?p=2348