Sudanese MOFA Holds the RSF Militia Responsible for Starving the Residents of El Fasher and Calls on the ISC to Take a Firm Stand Against the Defiance of the ISC’s Resolutions

Port Sudan – Sudanhorizon

The Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a strong condemnation of the Janjaweed militia, accusing them of deliberately exacerbating hunger and flouting international laws.

Referring to a press release from Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), also known as Doctors Without Borders, the Janjaweed militia was accused by the ministry of holding supply trucks containing vital medicines and food supplies in Kabkabia town for the past four weeks. These supplies were intended for El-Fasher and the Zamzam camp, where many are suffering from severe food shortages.

MSF’s report highlights that the militia’s actions are directly contributing to the famine in the Zamzam camp. The findings of the Famine Review Committee, published on the same day, corroborate MSF’s claims, indicating that the militia is employing starvation as a strategic weapon.

The Sudanese government refuted claims that food insecurity was due to not using a particular border crossing, calling such assertions baseless.

In addition to withholding essential supplies, the Janjaweed militia is accused of continuing its siege of El Fasher in blatant defiance of UN Security Council Resolution No. 2736, passed on June 13, 2024.

The resolution demands an end to hostilities and access for humanitarian aid. Despite this, the militia has escalated its attacks, bombing hospitals, IDP camps, markets, mosques, and other public facilities.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs called for a firm international response to deter the militia and their sponsors from further atrocities and violations of international law.


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