Sudanese Foreign Ministry: RSF Subverts Geneva Meetings by Bombing Residential Areas

Port Sudan – Sudanhorizon
The Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the crimes committed by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) militia, including the bombing of residential areas in Kordofan and the capital, Khartoum, are sufficient evidence of the futility of the Geneva meetings.

In a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Thursday, it said: “With the start of what is called the Geneva meetings between the U.S. envoy and the Janjaweed militia, the militia bombed Al-Khansa Secondary School for Girls and a primary school in the city of Al-Obeid, the capital of North Kordofan state, on Wednesday, resulting in the death of 5 civilians and the injury of 30 students.”

The statement added that, at the same time, the militia intensified its deliberate shelling of residential areas in the Karrari district in Greater Omdurman. The previous night, it attacked Al-Nu Hospital in the Al-Thawra district of Karrari with three rockets, severely injuring four patients.

The statement continued: “These terrorist crimes committed by the militia, which occurred on the same day it claims to have begun peace talks, are enough to confirm the futility of the current Geneva meeting. The militia is using it as a platform for false propaganda, exposed by its crimes on the ground.”

The ministry emphasised that peace will not be achieved by allowing the militia to evade previous agreements and commitments derived from international humanitarian law nor by considering those who supply it with long-range artillery, missiles, and drones, which it uses to target civilians, as peace partners. Additionally, it criticised the discussion of Sudanese issues in the absence of its government, which has no legal basis under international law or the UN Charter.

The statement pointed out that the Sudanese masses who demonstrated in Geneva against the hijacking of their nation’s will and the sheltering of their killers in the name of peace expressed this position clearly.

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