Sudanese Foreign Ministry: Human Rights Council Decision is Biased

Port Sudan – Sudanhorizon
The Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has reiterated its unwavering rejection of the Human Rights Council’s decision on Wednesday to extend the mandate of the UN fact-finding mission in Sudan, stating that the vote reflected the division within the Council.
In a statement released this evening, which was reviewed by the “Al-Mohaqiq” news website, the ministry emphasized that the decision was inaccurate in describing the situation in Sudan and contained excessive bias against the Sudanese Armed Forces. The ministry also highlighted that the decision failed to consider Sudan’s real priorities at this stage, which include ending the rebellion, stopping ongoing atrocities, evacuating civilians from residential areas and civilian facilities, including hospitals and places of worship, and facilitating the delivery of humanitarian aid, as stipulated by the Jeddah Declaration.
The statement pointed out that the voting results reflected the deep division within the Human Rights Council over the decision, which the ministry sees as a clear indication of the fairness of Sudan’s position.
The Foreign Ministry reaffirmed that the Sudanese government remains steadfast in its commitment to improving human rights in the country. It is dedicated to ensuring that the armed forces and all other official forces adhere to international humanitarian law and human rights law.
In its session today, the Human Rights Council renewed the mandate of the UN fact-finding mission with 23 votes in favour, while 24 countries either voted against the extension or abstained.