Sudanese Foreign Minister to “Sudanhorizon”: Why the Cairo Meetings were Delayed Must be Answered by the American Side
Cairo – Sudanhorizon – Sabah Moussa
Sudanese Foreign Minister Hussein Awad confirmed that the Sudanese delegation was not delayed for the meetings expected to be held with the United States in Cairo and that the reason for the delay should be directed to the American side.
In an exclusive statement to Sudanhorizon, the Minister clarified that the Sudanese side responded to the invitation and that part of the delegation had already arrived in Cairo. He mentioned that U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and U.S. Special Envoy for Sudan Tom Perriello had also arrived in Cairo, confirming the intentions of both parties (Sudanese-American) to hold the meeting.
He added that the delay in the arrival of the U.S. technical delegation to Cairo does not concern the Sudanese government but rather the American side. Therefore, the question should be directed to the Americans regarding why their delegation was delayed. He emphasised Sudan’s eagerness for the meeting and desire to push the negotiations forward, not delay them.
He said that the Sudanese people are suffering, and Sudan is open to all possibilities and directions to initiate serious talks. However, he pointed out that the negotiations cannot be severe unless the facilitators (the United States) exert pressure on the militia, which has not yet met the first condition of the Jeddah platform, which is the evacuation of civilian buildings. He stressed that unless this happens, any talks would be meaningless.