Sovereign Council Issues Strict Measures on Currency Replacement

Port Sudan – Sudanhorizon
Member of the Sovereign Council, General Engineer Ibrahim Jaber Ibrahim on Thursday chaired the fourth meeting of the higher e Committee for Currency Change and Replacement.
The meeting directed states to follow strict procedures in coordination with security bodies and relevant institutions to combat smuggling and counterfeiting operations that may accompany the upcoming currency replacement process.
Khalid Al Aisir, the Minister of Culture and Information, the spokesperson for the committee, has explained that the meeting discussed a number of technical issues related to the currency replacement process, with emphasis on evaluating the position of the banking system’s readiness for the launching of this important process. He said the meeting has also followed up the work of the technical committees in the states and the various operations rooms.
He stated that the committee got briefing on the degree of readiness to kick start the media campaign accompanying this process, which requires the combined efforts of all parties concerned with currency replacement.
The Minister has meanwhile explained that the meeting came out with a set of recommendations that would expedite the currency replacement process, especially with regard to the media campaign related to the need to expedite the opening of bank accounts to avoid any congestion that might occur when the start of the time limits set for currency replacement, is made public.


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