Seeds Improvement Projects to Help Farmers in Darfur

El-Gadarif – Sudanhorizon
The Darfur Regional Authority has launched projects to produce agricultural seeds to support small farmers in the region by launching the Kilo (6) project in the Gadarif State and the (Sesame) project, with the support of the Federal Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning.
The project aims to provide agricultural seeds, especially for small farmers in the Darfur region, and to obtain improved seeds.
The Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources in the Darfur Regional Government, Salah Hamid Al-Wali, stressed the need to continue joint cooperative work and make the necessary efforts to achieve the maximum possible benefit and make this project strategic and sustainable.
He pointed out that regional and international food organizations will be relied upon to support and develop these projects.
The projects aim to cultivate many types of crops to support farmers in the Darfur region, such as corn and millet, to develop the agricultural sector and provide the necessary services to farmers in the region, especially during this critical period that the country is witnessing.
This project is expected to provide agricultural seeds to (61) thousand farmers, with a total of 550 thousand kilograms of improved agricultural seeds for the benefit of small farmers in the Darfur region. It is worth noting that the Ministry of Agriculture in Darfur region has distributed seeds during the 2023 season to more than 6000 farmers, and is now targeting 760 thousand farmers. The arable areas in the Darfur region amount to about 55 million acres, which is equivalent to a third of the arable agricultural lands in Sudan.