Sanctions Will Not Break the Resolve of the Sudanese People


By: Dr. Mayada Swar Al-Dahab
The successive U.S. sanctions against the military leadership of the Sudanese Armed Forces, targeting the symbol of national sovereignty—the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces—constitute blatant and dangerous interference in Sudan’s internal affairs. They represent a clear violation of national sovereignty and a cheap act of blackmail aimed at subjugating the will of the Sudanese nation to serve regional and international agendas driven by external actors.
Any attempt to equate the national army, which is fulfilling its constitutional duty to defend its citizens and the country’s territory, with a rebellious terrorist militia supported by foreign mercenaries reveals the stark hypocrisy of the U.S. administration and a glaring imbalance in the scales of international justice. This is particularly evident in the failure and negligence of these entities, despite overwhelming evidence, to classify this militia as a terrorist organization. The militia has committed atrocities, including genocide, ethnic cleansing, sexual violence, and forced displacement.
It is now unmistakably clear that the conspiracy against Sudan is expanding day by day and that the war of April 15 was merely a chapter in a systematic plot aimed at dividing Sudan and plundering its wealth and resources. This is being carried out through the Al-Daglo militia and its political wing, supported by treacherous and complicit political forces.
These sanctions will not break the resolve of the Sudanese people nor bend their will, no matter how severe they become. Victory is undoubtedly on the horizon, paid for with the blood of the honourable and free martyrs of this nation.
Sudan, this proud and sovereign homeland, will remain a free nation and a beacon among nations.
Chairperson of the Liberal Democratic Party

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