National Political Forces Outline Their Political Project from Port Sudan

Port Sudan – Sudanhorizon – Talal Ismail
On the main Port Sudan Corniche in Red Sea capital, a group of national political forces presented their visions for the future political buildup stage. The encounter which took the shape of an open-air symposium has addressed the challenges of transition, the attempt aimed at fragmenting the Sudan, the visions of these forces for party reform and how to frustrating foreign interference in Sudan’s domestic affairs.
At the beginning of the symposium organized by the Electronic Press Association on Wednesday evening, the Secretary-General of the “Coordination of National Democratic Forces”, Mohamed Sayed Ahmed Al-Jakomi, explained how foreign agenda intervened after the outbreak of the revolutionary movement in 2018 and the ouster of Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir.
“The group that was divided between the Forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change and the Steadfastness and Foundation Alliance did not have the upper hand in making the Sudanese revolution in December 2018, but it was foreign forces that imposed this matter and distributed the roles when we were in detention, “He argued.
Al-Jakomi was critical of the attempts of the Nairobi Charter to create an army out of the Rapid Support Militia and the People’s Movement led by Abdel Aziz Al-Hilu, adding that “the Sudanese army has been around since 1924, but those the rebellious and abusive group wants to be the nucleus of the Sudanese army. This is a theater of political absurdity for small and weak groups led by Al-Tahir Hajar, Al-Hadi Idris, and a founding group to talk about the future of political action in the coming stage in the Sudan. This is one of the major problems that Sudan has been facing”
He denounced the former Prime Minister, Abdullah Hamdok, who failed in his most recent statements to mention the genocide committed by the militia in Al-Geneina, nor the rape, killing, displacement, and looting committed by the militia against Sudanese civilian population in Gezira. He stressed that the fighting taking place in Sudan is a war between right and wrong. He stressed that “this is the first time ever in Sudan’s history to see people are displaced in this way, and no one from the leaders of Sumud or Tassid in Nairobi could dare to set a foot in country, and this is a clear message to the leadership of the state that this rebellious group has no place among the Sudanese people.”

Sudanese Dialogue

Jakomi called for an all-inclusive Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue that does not exclude anyone, including the National Congress party and its fronts and the Sumud Alliance led by Abdullah Hamdok, but that it should exclude the Tassid Alliance, which supports the Rapid Support Militia, within the Nairobi Charter.
External Intervention
For his part, the head of the Return to the Tassid Platform Initiative, Muhammad Wada’a, has stressed that the “Freedom and Change violated the constitutional document and there has been a severe deviation since the Sudanese revolution, which witnessed the UAE intervention after the outbreak of the revolution in December 2018.”
He added: “The Rapid Support Militia must be condemned for its violations of the country’s sovereignty and its commission of war crimes, and we must condemn foreign interventions from the UAE, Chad, South Sudan and Libya.”
He added that “the battle Sudanese people are facing is a huge and complex, and its goal is to impose hegemony on the Sudan and to control it, displace its citizens and bring in other groups from the Arab diaspora, and the Nairobi conference is a salient evidence for this .”
Wada’a called for a new social contract in Sudan, explaining that “We must think about the future, and the Sudanese must be united and cohesive and rise above their wounds. A national reconciliation must be carried out, but whoever committed a crime must be held accountable.”
Wada’a stressed that a comprehensive Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue should be organized, adding: “We have to forget classifying people as Baathist, Islamists, or Muslim brothers. The people of Sudan must all sit together to hold a constitutional conference to solve Sudan’s problems.”
The head of the Sudanese Women’s Initiative, Alia Abuna, explained the details and provisions of the Nairobi Charter and said: “What happened between the Janjaweed and their allies in Nairobi is not a document, because it works to protect the thugs and thieves and buy consciences and is based on the principle of Machiavellianism.”
She added: “In Nairobi, they are trying to impose a legitimacy that does not exist, based on UAE support, and their talk about the right to self-determination indicates that they want to fragment Sudan, not unite it.”

Sudan’s Unity
The head of the Sudan Justice Alliance “TESA” Bahr Idris Abu Qarda said: “We cannot talk about the future unless we strongly adhere to the unity of Sudan because the conspiracy is very big and the right to self-determination serves the plan to fragment Sudan.”
He added: “We must strongly unify our internal ranks on the economic, social and cultural levels so that the country is united and strong.”
Bahr stressed that the external plan has an agenda based on fragmenting Sudan, adding: “They want to control Sudan and its resources through fragmentation because they realize that they cannot control it while it is united.”
He pointed out that the national forces have strongly come out with their mechanisms for confronting this plan, calling for strengthening the establishment of the rule of law and achieving justice and inclusiveness so that the country could confront all conspiracies.
Bahr pointed out that the policy in the next stage will be based on responding to the demands of the citizen in health, education and social care and that there should be no tolerance for corruption practices.
For her part, the head of the National Professionals Association, Mariam Al-Hindi, said: “What is happening in Nairobi is an attempt to find a foothold, and it is a clinically stillborn baby. We need to address the conscience of the Sudanese people who stand with the armed forces in the battle of dignity through the secretions of the war.”
Al-Hindi said: “The law must be established and our problems and wounds must be healed, and we have a great responsibility after the victory of the Sudanese army.”
Meanwhile, the leader of the Federal Party, Khalid Al-Fahl, said: “What happened in Nairobi is the result of the failure to seize power by this isolated group that does not meet with the Sudanese people in their morals, and therefore has continued to support this rebellion since April 15, 2023.”
He argued that “We in the national political forces met in Port Sudan and agreed on national invariables that emphasize preserving the unity of Sudan, land and people, and no infringement on the sovereignty of the state, and no recognition in any way of establishing a parallel government. The group that spoke in Nairobi is isolated and does not represent the Sudanese people because it stands with the killers and mercenaries.”
He added: “There will be no dialogue abroad, we agreed that the Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue should be from within the country and we presented a comprehensive vision to the leadership of the state, and there will be no negotiations with the militia and there will be no political or military recognition for them.”
Al-Fahl stressed that: “There must be a political track with the military track in resolving the rebellion and establishing the Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue that does not exclude anyone except those against whom legal criminal action has been issued by the judiciary regarding the crimes they committed.”

Hamdok and colonialism
The Secretary-General of the Popular Congress, Professor Al-Amin Mahmoud, said that the plans of the oppressive forces include dividing Sudan because it is a colonial project and they are agents of this colonialism.
He considered the division of the political and civil forces headed by Abdullah Hamdok into two alliances “Sumud, muasis” to be a tactical division.
He continued: “They do not have a national project and they serve an alien project to dismantle Sudan.” He added: “They cannot divide Darfur or any part of western Sudan and the mercenaries have no share in this, and the Sudanese people’s choice is unity,” noting that Hamdok built his plan on relying on foreign powers and colonialism, but the reality of Sudan with its army and people has gone beyond fearing colonialism.


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