Ministerial Meeting of the ISC on Sudan Next Week

New York – Sudanhorizon– Maryam Abshir
The United Nations Security Council is set to hold a ministerial-level meeting in mid-next week to provide a briefing on Sudan.
According to high-level sources who spoke to Sudanhorizon, the United Kingdom currently holds the Security Council presidency and will have its Undersecretary for Africa Parliamentary Affairs chair the meeting. The briefing will also include the UN Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs and a representative from the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
The sources downplayed the likelihood of positive outcomes from the upcoming meeting regarding developments in Sudan. They also denied any connection between the expected draft resolution on Sudan and the forthcoming ministerial meeting of the Security Council.
In a related development, a team of experts from the UN Security Council’s sanctions committee on Sudan is expected to arrive in mid-November to meet with senior state officials and assess the current situation.