Kabashi Oversees the Coordination of Operations with Commanders in Gezira State

Madani – Sudanhorizon
On Sunday, Lieutenant General Shams Al-Din Kabashi, member of the Transitional Sovereignty Council and Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Sudanese Armed Forces, held a meeting with military commanders in the Gezira State axis. During the meeting, he was briefed on the overall security situation, the operational status, and the readiness of the armed forces and their supporting units across all fronts to liberate the country from the rebellion and eliminate the Dagalo militia.
A statement issued by the Sovereignty Council’s media office noted that Kabashi praised the victories achieved by the armed forces, other regular forces, joint forces, and mobilised personnel in liberating Wad Madani and restoring it to the nation’s fold.
Tour of Wad Madani
Kabashi toured the city of Wad Madani, where he was greeted with cheers and warm welcomes from the residents, reaffirming their trust in and support for the armed forces. He also visited the Hantoub Bridge and confirmed the stability and calm in the city.