Joint Forces Spokesman: El-Fashir Experiences Relative Calm and the Militia Socially Isolated

Cairo – Sudanhorizon – Sabah Musa

The official spokesman for the Joint Force of Armed Struggle Movements, Lieutenant Colonel Ahmed Hussein Mustafa, has confirmed that the situation in North Darfur in general and the city of El Fashir in particular was excellent at the field and operational levels.

Lt Col. Hussein told “Sudanhorizon” news website that the city of El Fashir is witnessing relative stability and calm, while extensive mobbing up operations are being carried out by the Joint Forces in some of the eastern outskirts of the city.

He pointed to major collapse within the ranks of the militia and its mouthpieces inside the city of El Fashir, adding that the criminal acts of the militia and the attitude of the Sudanese society towards them, have resulted in social isolation for the militias, greatly affected the psychological and moral state among the militia elements, who have now become outcasts in society.

The official spokesman for the joint force explained that this calm was also attributable to the elimination of the militia’s core force, the killing of most of their field commander, and cutting off of the main lifeline of its logistical, military and human supplies through the desert axis.

He said that voices of treason and doubt resurge especially after the killing of some leaders, which greatly affected military operations, and saw seeds of fear of treachery, besides the fleeing of militia leaders with their families outside Sudan.

The official spokesman stressed that the Rapid Support Militias lack any clear vision, project or goal other than looting and plundering the property of the Sudanese civilians.

He argued that this was the only goal that unites them, and anyone amongst the militias that achieves his objectives in looting and plundering withdraws from the battle field and run away either outside Sudan, such the case of the mercenaries, or return to their areas inside Sudan.


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