Joint Force Spokesman: We Destroyed a Convoy Carrying Ammo for the RSF, and El Fasher Will be a Starting Point for Cleansing the Rest of the Cities

El Fasher – Sudanhorizon – Mariam Absher
The spokesman for the Joint Force of the Armed Struggle Movements, Lieutenant Colonel Ahmed Hussein Mustafa, revealed that the armed forces and the joint force were able to destroy a convoy carrying shells and ammunition in the vicinity of El Fasher today, and confirmed that the situation in El Fasher is stable and under control, the Lieutenant Colonel would go on to promise that El Fasher would be a starting point for cleansing and cleaning the rest of the cities of the Darfur region that were defiled by the Janjaweed militias and their mercenaries.
Hussein said in a special statement to the Sudanhorizon news website that the operational and field situation in El Fasher is going excellently and that the situation in El Fasher is under complete control by the Sudanese Armed Forces, the Joint Force of the Armed Struggle Movements, the Popular Force and the Popular Resistance.