Ibrahim Jaber to Sudahorizon: I Saluted General Al-Hadi Bushra, Not Omar Al-Bashir

Cairo – Sudahorizon – Sabah Musa
Lieutenant General Ibrahim Jaber, a member of the Sovereignty Council and Assistant Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, denied reports that he saluted former President Omar Al-Bashir during Wednesday’s inauguration of Dongola Airport.
In an exclusive statement to Sudahorizon, Jaber clarified that he saluted General Al-Hadi Bushra, who was from Batch 17. He added that General Al-Hadi Bushra was the last head of intelligence under Sadiq Al-Mahdi and served as the Governor of Northern State during the Al-Ingaz era. Jaber explained that he himself is from Batch 34, a difference of 17 batches between them. He said that hierarchy in the armed forces is a deeply rooted tradition, where even President Al-Burhan addresses his seniors as “Your Excellency.” He emphasized that this is a military courtesy and a mark of respect for seniors.
In another context, Jaber commented on Donald Trump’s victory in the U.S. presidential election, stating that the coming days will reveal its impact on Sudan.
Shortlink: https://sudanhorizon.com/?p=2441