I Blame!!

Dr. Naglaa Hussein Al-Mukabarabi
I blame the current social conditions for causing the Sudanese nation to fail to achieve stability, security, nation-building, and development.
These conditions spread a spirit of fear, hinder work, and lead to weakness in confronting internal and external threats, which are escalating daily to the point of becoming a war.
Our land is fertile and capable of producing many times more than many countries in the world. It possesses vast natural and human resources coveted by others.
I accuse these social conditions of producing failed political currents that have almost led to the extinction of Sudanese life through external interventions seeking to exploit the country. These conditions have also given rise to the American theatre now disguised in the form of mediation to stop logistical support for the Rapid Support Forces under the guise of humanity and protecting civilians!
I accuse these social conditions of producing groups that betray religion and the nation, travelling through airports to sell Sudan under the pretence of ending the war. They undermine the dignity, pride, and national security of the country in the shadow of an army that has been in existence for a century, an army that has now managed to inflict defeats on the Janjaweed, diminishing their stature, even at the level of UN Security Council sessions, with its latest session condemning the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and reaching consensus among all its members.
I accuse these social conditions of producing Sudanese scientists, experts, and specialists who have failed to profoundly and accurately analyze the Sudanese problem and offer solutions amidst the most significant threats and challenges of the current war.
I accuse the social conditions of opening their arms to foreign investors and intrusive organizations under the guise of humanity, without regulation or laws to protect Sudanese land from theft and plunder across borders.
These prevailing conditions are destined to disappear, marking a turning point for the resilient, hardworking, and steadfast Sudanese people, who confront all challenges, sacrificing their lives and blood for the beloved nation. They inscribe their names in gold and musk on the sacred soil of their land.
Shortlink: https://sudanhorizon.com/?p=3333