Foreign Affairs and Energy Ministries Agree to Restore Strategic Cooperation with China

Port Sudan – Sudanhorizon

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Energy and Oil have agreed to work together to restore strategic cooperation with China and facilitate the entry of Russian companies into Sudan to operate in the energy and oil sectors.

This agreement was reached during a meeting today between the Minister of Energy and Oil, Dr Mohiuddin Naeem Mohamed Saeed, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Dr Ali Youssef, at the Ministry of Energy and Oil. The meeting discussed the expansion of Chinese and Russian investments in the fields of energy and oil.

Dr Mohiuddin Naeem Mohamed Saeed said he visited China and Russia last month to meet with the Russian Minister of Energy and several Russian and Chinese companies. He mentioned that Russian companies are expected to arrive soon to build on what was initiated in Moscow regarding oil, gas, and electricity investment. He also noted that Sudan has utilised only about 20% of its oil reserves, with three blocks showing promising indications of oil and gas.

For his part, Ambassador Dr. Ali Youssef, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, said that work is underway to prepare a plan for restoring strategic cooperation with China. He affirmed that this plan, developed in collaboration with the Minister of Energy and Oil, aims to enhance partnerships with China in the petroleum sector and with the Russian Federation. He added that the coming phase will witness significant activity with the arrival of major Russian companies to invest in Sudan.


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