Finance Minister Affirms Government’s Commitment to the Success of the Winter Season


Port Sudan – Sudanhorizon
Finance and Economic Planning Minister Dr Jibril Ibrahim affirmed the government’s commitment to ensuring the upcoming winter agricultural season’s success and providing all necessary inputs and resources needed to cultivate the planned areas. These areas include approximately 815,000 feddans of wheat and 750,000 feddans of other winter crops.
During an extensive meeting held on Sunday with the participation of the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Dr Abu Bakr Al-Bushra, the minister reviewed the completion of preparations for the season. The meeting confirmed the cultivation of targeted areas across several states, including Al-Gezira, the Nile River, and Northern State, as well as irrigated projects. It was also confirmed that the necessary wheat inputs, such as DAP and urea fertilizers, have been provided. A representative from the Ministry of Irrigation described the state of preparations in irrigated projects as excellent.
The meeting included participation from the governor of the Al-Gezira Scheme, the Director of the Agricultural Bank, and managers of irrigated projects.


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