Between Trump’s Hell and Hemeti’s Threats!!

Mahjoub Fadl Badri

Following his victory in the elections and before being sworn in as President of the United States, Donald Trump issued a threat to “open the gates of hell” on the Middle East unless Hamas released the Israeli captives in its custody!!
Negotiations then proceeded in their first round under Hamas’s conditions, moving forward despite Netanyahu’s obstacles and stubbornness. However, Trump’s phrase, “opening the gates of hell,” remained on the lips of Israeli leaders. Netanyahu repeated it multiple times, as did his Defense Minister Katz, Finance Minister Smotrich, and other Zionist occupation leaders. This raised the question: Are the keys to the gates of hell in the hands of Trump and his Zionist allies??
We, of course, know with certainty that the hell they speak of has already been unleashed on the Palestinian people since the establishment of the Zionist entity on the stolen land of Palestine. Yet, they have failed to achieve their goal of displacing the rightful owners of the land from their homes and country. This has never been an option in the minds of the Palestinians, no matter how much oppression, brutality, and injustice they endure. Bribes have not worked, nor has cheap blackmail swayed them even an inch from their steadfast stance, despite the blatant betrayal by most Arab brothers. They have not been intimidated by the assassinations of their senior leaders nor terrified by the rivers of blood shed by their martyrs—children, elders, women, and young resistance fighters. Therefore, they have paid no heed to the hollow threat of opening the gates of hell!! They have experienced every form of bombardment, destruction, killing, home demolitions, uprooting of olive trees, arrests, assassinations, and starvation. So, what the hell are they talking about?
In our country, even the most pessimistic among us could not have imagined a war like this raging across every corner of our land, especially after the criminal looter Hemeti, the leader of the Dagalo militia threatened that our buildings would be inhabited by “kadais” (a derogatory term) and that people should brace themselves!!
– And now the war has erupted by the will of God, for a wisdom known only to Him, who has no partner. “So that Allah will accomplish a matter already ordained. That, those who are to be destroyed may be destroyed after clear evidence, and those who are to live may live after clear evidence. And indeed, Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.” (Quran 8:42). Praise be to God, the aggressor has not reaped the fruits of his aggression, as our buildings were not claimed by the “kadais” (in quotes, referring to the “nomads of displacement”) as he threatened. Instead, they have become a massive trap for the scoundrels, courtesy of the Um Zureido brand, as our army eliminates every rebel in every corner of our land without exception. The tables have turned on the aggressor, wherever he may be. Trump’s arrogant threat is no different from Hemeti’s foolish one—both are deluded by their power, tyranny, and wealth. Both forget that God is the Almighty, the Possessor of Strength, the Supreme over His servants, and that to Him alone belongs the dominion of the heavens, the earth, and all that lies between.
Just as people often talk about the next day, every citizen in our country knows what awaits them the day after the end of the “War of Dignity.” Dignity does not lie in repeating past mistakes, nor in forgiving criminals or shaking hands with their collaborators. Dignity does not mean returning to the partisan bickering that has left us with bitter fruits. Dignity does not mean forgetting the sacrifices of our army, the blood of our martyrs, or the support of friendly and brotherly nations that stood by us in international forums or sheltered refugees fleeing the horrors of war. We will not open the gates of hell on the countries that supported the rebellion, for we know the keys to hell are not in our hands. But we will neither forget nor forgive them, and we have the means to repay them in kind. More than anyone, they understand the consequences of earning the enmity of a nation like ours and a people like ours.
– Victory to our brave army.
– Glory and strength to our fighting people.
– Shame and disgrace to our enemies and their collaborators.


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