Agar Receives Report on Health Situation in Sudan

Port Sudan – Sudanhorizon
The Vice President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council, Malik Agar, received a report on the efforts of the Ministry of Health in combating epidemics and diseases, especially cholera cases that recently appeared in Kassala State and some other states, from Dr. Haitham Mohamed Ibrahim, the Federal Minister of Health in charge, during a meeting today, on Sunday, in his office in Port Sudan.
The Minister briefed the Vice President of the Sovereignty Council on the health situation in the country, the status of epidemics and diseases, and the pharmaceutical and medical needs and consumables for clinics and laboratories.
The meeting touched on the response made by the Ministry of Finance to the campaign to combat and sanitize the environment and provide potable water to citizens.
The meeting also discussed the pharmaceutical situation in the country, which witnessed remarkable stability after the inauguration of the main warehouses in the Red Sea state and the start of implementing the five-year strategy for medical supplies.
The ongoing arrangements for the upcoming visit of the Director-General of the World Health Organization, which is expected to take place next week, were discussed to assess the health and pharmaceutical situation in the country, in light of the current war and its impact on the health and humanitarian situation in the country. The meeting also discussed the final arrangements for the first conference on health development in the eastern sector, scheduled to be held next September.