A Government Source Describes Perriellio as Hesitant, Says No Participation in Geneva Talks

Sudanhorizon – Special – Mariam
A senior government source has reaffirmed that the Sudanese government will not take part in the ongoing Geneva talks, which kicked off on Thursday, as stated by the US Administration Envoy to the Sudan, Tom Perriellio. The source has renewed commitment to the conditions set by the government delegation in Jeddah’s most recent meeting and that Sudan will not accept any step that infringes on its national sovereignty.
In an exclusive statement to Sudanhorizon, the Sudanese government senior source has accused the American Envoy of seeking to achieve personal gain through the Geneva talks at the expense of the Sudanese people who have been subjected to all violations and crimes, prohibited by the international laws, at the hands of the Rapid Support Militia.
The government source described Mr Perriellio a being, unlike his
other American predecessors, of hesitant character, saying he also is the least experienced amongst them and as of the lowest level.
The source pinpointed that the current Envoy has failed since
February, to score any achievement in the way of finding a settlement to the crisis in Sudan, and was unable to visit Port Sudan for a meet with officials, citing flimsy arguments. The source referred to visits for Port Sudan by many foreign officials and that the town hosts more than 25 embassies. Source has further added that the same town
received on Wednesday a Norwegian envoy. The source stressed that there was no security risks whatsoever for visitors of the town.
The asserted that the American envoy seems to be hesitant, lacks
vision, and is not ready to bear the responsibility required in order
for him to succeed in his mission.
The source wondered about the Biden administration’s insistence on opening a new platform in light of the non-implementation of the
provisions of the Jeddah Agreement, drawn from international humanitarian laws concerned with conflicts, pointing out that the implementation of the Jeddah Agreement constitutes the basis for any negotiations, besides its being a genuine inlet for confidence building.
Regarding the Envoy’s statement about a plan that had been drawn up to deal with the humanitarian conditions of refugees and internally displaced persons, including airdrops, the source stated that the Sudanese Armed Forces had previously carried out airdrops in the city of Al Fashir involving humanitarian and pharmaceutical materials based
on a sovereign decision and within the framework of the country’s
sovereignty. The Source has stressed that any operation to be carried out, without taking into consideration the country’s national sovereign institution will not be welcome.
The Source told Sudanhorizon that the government has named seven
airports via which humanitarian supplies would be delivered,
including five border airports, but foreign quarters insist on the
Adre crossing adjacent to the border with Chad, at a time the militia has prevented the delivery of humanitarian supplies to more than 700000 refugees inside the Chadian territory, in addition to the presence of large numbers of Sudanese refugees inside Ethiopian territory who are in need of protection and food supplies, with more than (11) million displaced people in safe states who also are in direneed for need humanitarian assistance.