General Al-Burhan Inspects Conditions of Citizens in Omdurman

Omdurman – Sudanhorizon

The Chairman of the Transitional Sovereignty Council and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, visited Omdurman to assess the conditions of its citizens following the disruption of electricity and water services in the area.

These disruptions resulted from attacks by the Al-Daglo terrorist militia on power transformers at Merowe Dam and other infrastructure projects.

Citizens of Omdurman gathered to welcome General Al-Burhan, expressing their rejection and condemnation of U.S. sanctions imposed on the Chairman of the Sovereignty Council. They regarded these sanctions as an attack on Sudan and a blow to its sovereignty. The citizens reaffirmed their unwavering support for the armed forces until the rebellion is completely crushed.

General Al-Burhan reassured the residents of Omdurman that the crisis would be resolved soon, emphasizing that the armed forces’ victories would continue until every inch of land desecrated by the terrorist militia is reclaimed.


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