UN: We Will Issue a Statement Once Information on East Al-Gezira Villages is Complete

Port Sudan – Sudanhorizon

Sudan’s acting foreign minister, Ambassador Hussein Awad Ali, met with the UN Resident Coordinator in Sudan, Clementine Nkweta-Salami, on Saturday. He conveyed Sudan’s commitment to providing all necessary facilities for UN organizations and agencies to carry out their roles effectively.

A press release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the minister emphasized the importance of respecting Sudan’s sovereignty and called on the UN to clarify and condemn the violations by the RSF, including the recent genocide in East Al-Gezira villages.

The minister expressed regret over the silence surrounding these violations, noting that it emboldens the RSF to commit further abuses.

The discussion also covered Sudan’s decision to open several border crossings and provincial airports to facilitate humanitarian aid delivery despite security concerns and the risk of RSF exploiting these routes to receive weapons and supplies.

In response, the UN Resident Coordinator reaffirmed respect for Sudan’s sovereignty and the importance of cooperation between the Sudanese government and the UN and its agencies to alleviate civilian suffering. She noted that the UN would state the situation in East Al-Gezira once all necessary information is gathered.

Shortlink: https://sudanhorizon.com/?p=2216

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