Sudan’s Nile River State Uncovers a Hidden Wealth of 13 Rare Minerals Beyond Gold

Al-Damer – Sudanhorizon
The governor of the Nile River State, Mohamed Al-Badawi Abdel-Majid, revealed the presence of 13 types of minerals in the state, in addition to gold.
The governor directed the Sudanese Mineral Resources Company to contribute to extracting these other minerals.
In an extensive meeting with the directors of the Sudanese Mineral Resources Company, the governor stated: “The state enjoys the presence of more than 13 minerals besides gold, and it requires the company and all relevant entities to work on extracting them to contribute to advancing the economy and development.”
For his part, the General Manager of the Sudanese Mineral Resources Company in Nile River State, Moataz Haj Nour, revealed the company’s plans to export more than 11 tons of gold to benefit the state’s exports.