Sudan Commits to Overcome Challenges Facing Italian Emergency Projects

Port Sudan – Sudanhorizon
Sudan Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Dr Jibril Ibrahim, confirmed the government’s interest in the Italian Emergency Organization (@Emergency) in Sudan’s humanitarian projects and efforts to overcome the difficulties that hinder its operations and limit citizens’ access to medical and therapeutic services.
The minister highlighted the importance of the humanitarian services provided by the organisation in the health sector. These services support the state’s efforts to localise treatment within the country and attract health and medical support to achieve its goals.
During his meeting with Rossella Miccio, the organisation’s president, at the ministry’s headquarters (Monday), the minister praised the organisation’s continued activities in Sudan despite the circumstances of war and its repercussions.
For her part, Rossella Miccio explained that her visit to the country was to inspect the ongoing projects in Sudan, specifically the pediatric centres in Port Sudan and Nyala, as well as the Peace Centre for Heart Surgery in Soba (Khartoum). She discussed coordinating with relevant government authorities to address the difficulties faced by these centres. She revealed the organisation’s efforts to open outpatient clinics for heart patients in Kassala and Gadaref, in addition to the clinics previously opened in Atbara and the paediatric clinic at the Peace Centre in Soba.
It is worth noting that the Emergency Organization is an independent humanitarian non-governmental organisation established in Italy in 1994. It provides high-quality, free medical and surgical care to victims of war, poverty, and landmines.