FM Undersecretary: Our West Africa Tour Revealed the Impact of Misinformation

Cairo – Sudanhorizon – Sabah Musa
The Undersecretary of the Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Hussein Al-Amin, has explained that the objectives of the President of the Sovereign Council, Gen. Abdul Fattah Al-Burhan’s tour of several West African countries were to enlighten the leaders there about the dimensions of the war waged by the rebel militia against Sudan and its people.
He underlined that the tour was seeking to explain to those leaders the violations being committed by the militia, which have been classified as war crimes, crimes against humanity, and ethnic cleansing, in addition to the systematic destruction of infrastructure and service facilities.
The Undersecretary, who was part of the Al-Burhan delegation on the West African countries tour, said in an exclusive statement to the Sudanhorizon news website that the tour also aimed to enlighten about the foreign interventions by some states with vested agendas and ambitions in Sudan’s resources and that those states and circles target the resources of various countries in the continent.
He added that the meetings discussed developments in the African arena and attempts to restrict the national choice and will of those African countries, which he emphasized was colonialism in disguise under the pretext of economic development and investments.
He said it was agreed that the continent’s witnessing those forces’ frantic movements is evidence of the reality of their goals.
He said Gen. Al-Burhan has underlined the need to revive interconnection and solidarity between the region’s countries, considering that their security and stability are linked to each other and that what Sudan is witnessing in terms of targeting its existence may be repeated in other African countries.
He indicated that Al-Burhan presented his vision of how the war in Sudan is to end and that he stressed the commitment of the Sudanese Armed Forces to the political process according to a clear vision after ending the war as a priority.
The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that at the bilateral level, Gen. Al Burhan discussed ways to enhance cooperation with the countries of the region in the fields of education, agriculture, health and exchange of expertise in various fields.
He said the tour stressed the importance of communication between the region’s countries, consultation on the continent’s issues, activating the role of continental and regional organizations, and freeing them from dependence on the will of external parties.
The Undersecretary said the meetings the delegation highlighted the extent of the impact of misleading information and the lack of awareness of some leaders of the countries included in the tour of the situation and the realty of developments that are taking place in the Sudan.
Regarding the importance of the visit to Sierra Leone, the Undersecretary said the importance of the visit stems from the fact that this is a member of the UN Security Council for the African continent, and that it has always adopted some decisions with Britain, so enlightening the President about the facts of what is happening in Sudan and the external dimensions was important.
He added that as for Mauritania, it is currently the chair of the African Union, and that it will hand over the presidency to Angola, stressing that Mauritania and Angola are two very important countries.
He said the President had visited Angola before and the topic with his recent visit to Mauritania, explaining that the visit to Mali, Senegal and Guinea-Bissau is because they are the axis of the Sahel and are very important, and that they are countries neighbouring Chad, and that it was also due to the importance of the connection in the region, especially in the Sahel region and the extension of Sudan as a link between the Sahel, the Horn of Africa and East Africa.