El Fasher

Isam Al-Hussein

I firmly believe that those who have oppressed the people and taken on the burden of weakening them have underestimated the true strength of the nation. Their ambitions have crumbled to the ground, and their goals have been reduced to merely securing a settlement that would save them from the consequences of their ill-considered actions and repositioning their brutal terrorist machinery and its political base in the Western part of the country. Initially, they aimed for complete control of Sudan, envisioning a future where the junta would broadcast its triumphant Radio and Television Headquarters declaration, proclaiming the end of the post-1956 state and legitimising the Janjaweed’s seizure of power.
However, the collapse of these ambitions should not be cause for celebration, even though their dream of power is now out of reach and their conspiracy has entered a stage of critical choices. It would be a mistake to assume that the allies of evil and their traitorous collaborators, including the renegade militia, imported mercenaries, and scattered tribesmen, are foolish. In reality, there is a continuous, coordinated effort among them, with clearly defined roles supported and blessed by Western colonialist powers and institutions. Their goal is to replicate the crises in Libya and Yemen by enabling the Janjaweed to occupy the city of El Fasher.
Thus, it is essential to catalogue the conspiracy and organise the scattered elements of the plot by taking a step back. This will reveal the truth that El Fasher became a focal point after the army repositioned itself, supported by popular resistance and volunteers on various fronts, leading to the withdrawal of militia leaders and their top ranks from the battlefields in Khartoum to Darfur. Consequently, the militia’s soothsayers and their supporters gathered in the Security Council to legitimize the occupation of El Fasher, demanding that the army refrain from defending the city under the pretext of protecting civilians.
A closer look also reveals the unlimited flow of weapons and military equipment from the “state of evil” and the recruitment of mercenaries and foreigners through excessive financial inducements. Despite the heroic resistance of the joint forces supporting the army, all attempts to overthrow El Fasher have thus far failed. The Western silence in the face of the unprecedented atrocities committed by the militia against civilians, their increasing use of prohibited weapons, and their use of starvation and deprivation of basic rights as a form of humiliation is a disgrace that will be recorded in history.
Meanwhile, the celebration by the allies of evil and destruction over the authorities’ approval to allow humanitarian aid to pass through the Adré corridor—and the subsequent leaks suggesting that weapons and military equipment were smuggled to the rebel militia under the guise of humanitarian aid—reveals the true intentions. These actions, along with reports of attempts by the “brotherly” neighbour to muster the maximum support permitted by Bin Zayed’s “pocket” for a decisive battle and the terrorising of the militia’s progressive supporters with the threat of a more brutal war, only underscore the seriousness of our situation. It is clear that we are not on the right track if we are merely waiting for the militia to withdraw from Khartoum, liberate Al-Jazirah and Sennar, and protect Gedaref, the Northern State, and River Nile! Nor are we if we simply say, “El Fasher is invincible against the Janjaweed!”
Therefore, many tasks await us—those whom they underestimated—because this war has unified our hearts with a clear understanding of what we want and why we were specifically targeted.

Shortlink: https://sudanhorizon.com/?p=1307

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