AU Aborts the Nairobi Charter and the Parallel Government of the RSF

Port Sudan – Sudanhorizon – Talal Ismail
Reactions continue to welcome the European Union and the African Union’s stance in rejecting the formation of a parallel government by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) militia and its allies, leading to the early abortion of the Nairobi Charter before it could see the light of day.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated in a statement reviewed by Sudanhorizon: “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs highly appreciates and welcomes the press statement issued by the African Union Peace and Security Council following its meeting today, which included clear and full condemnation of the RSF militia and its affiliates’ announcement of establishing a parallel government. The statement expressed deep concern over this move and warned of the grave danger it poses by dividing Sudan.”
The African Union Peace and Security Council called on all member states and the international community to refrain from recognizing any government or entity seeking to divide Sudan, govern part of its territory, or control its institutions. It also urged African countries and the international community to avoid supporting or assisting any armed or political group attempting to establish a parallel government or state in Sudan. The Council affirmed that it does not recognize the so-called parallel government and reiterated its commitment to preserving Sudan’s sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity.
The Foreign Ministry added: “This strong stance embodies the full commitment to the principles upon which African joint action is based, as expressed in the Constitutive Act of the African Union, the Charter of the Organization of African Unity, the United Nations Charter, and all the rules underpinning the contemporary international system. Among the most important of these principles is the preservation of state sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity, and rejecting interference in their internal affairs.”
The Foreign Ministry emphasized that “this decisive principled stance from the continental organization confirms the complete international rejection of the conspiracy of the genocide militia and its regional sponsor, as well as those who follow their orders in the region against Sudan’s unity and sovereignty. This has been reflected in statements by the UN Secretary-General, the UN Security Council, the Arab League, the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region, and influential brotherly countries and members of the international community.”
The Foreign Ministry noted that Sudan renews its appreciation for these clear positions consistent with international law, which will provide strong support for the Sudanese people and their national institutions in defending their sovereignty, unity, dignity, and independence.
For his part, Khaled Al-Ayyar, Minister of Culture and Information and the official spokesperson for the Sudanese government, said: “The statement of the African Union Peace and Security Council reflects a clearer approach to the situation in Sudan, as the members of the Council unanimously condemned the attempts by the RSF militia and its allies to form a parallel government, affirming that these moves represent a serious violation of the state’s legitimacy and its institutions.”
The Minister of Information added that the African statement emphasized Sudan’s sovereignty and rejected any secessionist attempts threatening its unity. It called for a firm response to these moves and the isolation of any arrangements that undermine the country’s sovereignty and integrity. He praised the responsible stance: “We salute the courage of the member states in taking this decision, which strengthens the unity and partnership of African countries, in line with the charters and shared principles upon which the African Union is founded.”

Malik Agar Welcomes the Move
For its part, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N), led by Malik Agar, stated: “The leadership of the SPLM-N has closely followed the reactions and positions of several governments and regional and international bodies regarding the toxic policies pursued by authoritarian governments seeking to divide Sudan, displace its people, plunder its resources, and impose a terrorist agenda through the attempt to form a parallel government currently being manufactured in the colonial capital of Kenya. In light of this, the SPLM-N expresses its welcome of the positions announced by the African Union and the European Union after correcting their course and shifting to declare support for Sudan, rejecting any infringement on its unity, sovereignty, and human dignity, and affirming the commitment to work with the Sudanese government to achieve peace and stability.”
The movement added: “The correct approach to solving Sudan’s problem lies in addressing the issues objectively, as they reflect the destinies of the Sudanese and African peoples alike. Dealing with these issues should be done through official government channels that are directly responsible for managing the country’s affairs, protecting the interests of its people, and engaging with the world. Undermining security and stability in Sudan is a serious disaster for the regional environment, which is experiencing the most severe turmoil in history. Therefore, the hopes of the Sudanese people for liberation, peace, unity, and contribution to national and African renaissance should not be hindered. This sentiment is fueled by the positions taken by the Afro-European bodies to open a new path in the right direction toward the future.”
The SPLM-N leadership renewed its call to all regional and international human rights and humanitarian organisations to stand with Sudan, its government, and its people to stop harmful external interventions, such as Kenya’s sponsoring political activities hostile to the state and violating internationally agreed laws and norms. It emphasised the need to strengthen and consolidate the bonds and rules of respect for the dignity of free peoples and to build sovereign governments that expand peace, unity, and developmental progress while fostering good diplomatic relations with all neighbouring countries in alignment with the prevailing treaties and conventions of the modern world. Only this will lead to a stable, prosperous Sudan and the world.

Text of the African Union Peace and Security Council Statement
The African Union Peace and Security Council issued a strong statement unanimously condemning any attempts to declare a parallel government in Sudan, affirming its categorical rejection of any efforts to divide the country.
The statement was agreed upon by all 15 member states of the Council, reflecting a unified African stance on the Sudanese crisis. The Council emphasized the need to respect Sudan’s unity and territorial integrity, stressing the importance of reaching political solutions through dialogue without resorting to steps that could lead to further division and instability.
This position reaffirms the African Union’s commitment to supporting Sudan in overcoming its current crisis through peaceful means amid regional and international efforts to maintain the country’s stability.

The Position of the National Current
The National Current, led by Noureddin Salah, expressed in a statement reviewed by Sudanhorizon its appreciation and praise for the decision the African Union Peace and Security Council issued in its 1264th meeting, which rejected the RSF militia’s attempt to declare a government in Sudan.
The statement added: “This courageous African stance is fully consistent with the principles upon which the African Union was founded, foremost among them the preservation of the unity and sovereignty of member states and non-interference in their internal affairs. It also reflects a deep understanding of the danger of these secessionist steps that threaten security and stability in the entire region.”
The National Current emphasised the importance of the African Union’s continued support for the efforts of the “African Union High-Level Mechanism on Sudan,” which aims to achieve peace and build a comprehensive political process that contributes to a democratic transitional path in the country.
The National Current reaffirmed its steadfast position calling for an end to the war in favour of a state of institutions through the enforcement and commitment to the outcomes of the Jeddah Platform and its development to address security arrangements leading to a single army and the dissolution of all militias through disarmament, demobilisation, and reintegration mechanisms. It also called for initiating a comprehensive political process that paves the way for a transitional path leading to civilian rule and discusses the foundational issue of national consensus in the country.
The National Current called on all political and societal forces in Sudan to prioritise the nation’s supreme interest and work together to achieve peace, stability, and prosperity for the people.


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