An Official from Tourism to “Sudanhorizon”: $10b Estimates Loss in Tourism Sector Losses

Sudanhorizon – Nazik Shammam
A senior official at the Sudanese Ministry of Culture, Media, and Tourism stated today (Thursday), “The tourism sector has suffered comprehensive destruction, and its rehabilitation will require years and millions of dollars.”
Dr. Mohammed Muddathir Abbas, Director General of International Relations at the Ministry of Culture, Media, and Tourism, disclosed that the initial estimates of losses in the tourism sector amount to approximately $10 billion.
In an exclusive statement to Sudan Horizon and Almohagig, Muddathir explained that the losses in the sector are very significant. Still, the most severe and painful is the damage to the Sudan National Museum, which revealed the theft of invaluable artefacts.
Muddathir disclosed that efforts by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the private sector to promote tourism and participate internationally have halted, considering it a loss due to the cessation of communication with international organisations and the inability to benefit from grants, technical assistance, and cooperation with several countries.
He pointed out that the country’s biggest loss is Sudan’s reputation and the fear of foreigners visiting, which will require many years and concerted efforts to restore.
Dr. Muddathir noted the cessation of all protocols, agreements, treaties, and training courses, as well as the ministry’s loss of most essential information, statistics, and important documents due to militia attacks that damaged equipment and lost fundamental data.
He explained that the destruction and damage included hotels of various classifications, major shopping centres, and travel and tourism agencies.
He stated that the Republican Palace Museum contained rare items from all previous Sudanese presidents and paintings of English leaders from the Victorian era, all of which have been lost and may never be recovered.
Muddathir added that the old palace building itself is one of the most important tourist and archaeological landmarks in Khartoum, revealing that the militia destroyed it and burned the military museum.